Providing engineering services to the defence force: What are the challenges?

Every industry deserves top quality engineering support services – but, when it comes to the defence force support, we are talking about a whole new level of challenges. Providing engineering solutions to this sector requires flexibility, expertise, and delivery speed that only the best players in the industry can deliver.

Since 2002, our engineering company, Marley Flow Control, has been not just an industry leader in the manufacturing of cooling towers but also a trusted provider of engineering and maintenance services. We have helped to support a number of Australian military bases with such services as rapid support for the base fuel systems, general fuel system maintenance, compressed air systems, and more.

As industry leaders, we have a high level of expertise and can provide a wide range of maintenance services – including pump repair services and cooling tower services, valves, piping, fuelling systems, emergency generators, and compressors. If you need any maintenance, repairs, or general service work done, contact our experienced team of highly qualified technicians to discuss your options today.

So, what are the most sought after defence force engineering services today?

Fuel systems maintenance

Fuel is a crucial component of military logistics and capability. So, fuel pumps and tanks maintenance services are extremely important for ensuring efficient, uninterrupted operations of military bases.

Fuel systems used by the Australian Defence Force tend to be more complex than the ones used by other industries. This is because military fuel itself comes in more varieties than what other industries normally have. The ADF uses more than eight different fuel types, some of which are specialised military specification fuels.

Providing engineering services to the defence force: What are the challenges? 2

Military specification fuels include some additives considered essential for the operation of military vehicles and equipment in a wide range of harsh and demanding environments. So, military fuel needs to be stored in a way that allows it to be used in a wide variety of climates – and that storage often needs to be long-term.

This is why all the servicing and maintenance of the ADF fuel systems needs to be carried out in accordance with the strict requirements set by the Department of Defence Standards.

In particular, the following services are routinely required by the defence force.

Fuel tank services

From regular tank cleaning to 3-yearly tank inspections, fuel tanks need to be serviced and maintained regularly to keep them in top condition to store all types of military fuel. Also, fuel tanks need to be installed, replaced, and disposed of in an environmentally responsible and safe way.

Underground tank inspections and integrity testing are MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS. These need to be performed by highly qualified technicians skilled to work in confined spaces and remote locations.

Fuel pump services

Given the variety of fuel types used by the ADF, fuel system pump maintenance is another important regular support task. New pumps need to be installed – and the existing ones require regular servicing.

In addition to fuel pumps, fire water, trade waste and sewage pumps also need to be installed and serviced regularly.

Emergency fuel supply

Reliable emergency fuel supply systems are crucial for successful military operations. 

Diesel fuel is especially widely used for these purposes. The support services that need to be performed in relation to this type of fuel are diesel fuel testing, transfer pump hire and support, and on-base vehicle refuelling.

Emergency generators, oil fired boilers, and fire pumps for emergency use also need to be supplied, installed and serviced.

Compressed air services

Compressed air systems are also widely used by the defence force. Air compressors have a variety of uses – from providing clean, uncontaminated air flow to being part of fuel injection systems or powering maintenance equipment.

Two main types of air compressors used by the ADF are rotary screw and reciprocating compressors. Rotary compressors are normally used whenever long-term motion is required – while reciprocating compressors are usually reserved for intermittent operations.

Both types of air compressors require regular planned maintenance, and extra air compressors need to be on standby for temporary installations or in case of breakdowns.

Environmental services

In accordance with the Defence Environmental Strategy released in October 2016, the ADF needs to ensure that their military bases operations are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. One of the aims of the Strategy is to minimise future pollution risks and to manage existing contamination risks.

The engineering services required to comply with these obligations include regular groundwater sampling and reporting, checking and cleaning of oily water separators, and test leak well monitoring.

We offer a wide range of defence force services

As a trusted Australian owned and operated brand, Marley Flow Control combines a high level of expertise with an impressive range of products. We deliver a wide range of defence force engineering solutions and services, as well as industrial pump and cooling tower services, and laser alignments for other industries.

We successfully provide a number of Australian military bases with rapid support services for the base fuel systems, general system maintenance, compressed air systems, and a variety of other engineering services. Our technicians have extensive experience working in confined spaces, at heights, and in remote locations.

Find out how we can use our engineering experience to help find the right solution for your industry. Contact us here for a free quote.